Preface to Volume IV

Dear Reader,

with distinct pleasure and excitement, I present you with the fourth volume of the undergraduate foreign language research journalThe Kennesaw Tower.  Unique among venues for the publication of undergraduate research, The Kennesaw Tower represents a much needed space for the academic work in French and Francophone, German, Italian, and Spanish Studies by undergraduate students studying and writing in the target language.  Over the last four years, the journal has expanded its number and diversity of affiliated faculty readers, institutions from which undergraduate authors are contributing their work, and we hope its readership.

Every year, it is a delight to receive and read the research students have tackled on a large variety of topics, which were likely guided by a fascinating diversity of courses they took and inspiring professors they studied with. Thank you, past, current, and future authors, for entrusting our journal with your work.  I would also like to extend sincere words of appreciation to the faculty mentors who are encouraging their students to submit and revise their manuscripts. Finally, I extend a heartfelt thank you to the Editorial Board and faculty readers who have devoted their time and commitment to the growth in size, diversity, and quality of this journal.

I wish you enjoyment when reading the work of the undergraduate scholars published in this volume. Please do not hesitate to contact me about their work, about the journal, or about our effort to promote and make available to a worldwide readership undergraduate research accomplishments. 

Best academic and personal wishes,

Susanne Kelley, Editor-in-Chief
